McAfee Agent Option:
<Installation Path>\Common Framework\CmdAgent.exe
McAfee Agent 5.x C:\Program Files\McAfee\Agent>cmdagent.exe McAfee Agent 5.x
P – Collect and send properties to the server
E – Enforce policies locally
C – Check for new polices
F – Forward events to the server
S – Show agent monitor GUI
? – Help
Remove McAfee Agent:
c:\Program Files\Network Associates\Common Framework\frminst.exe” /forceuninstall
c:\Program Files\McAfee\Common Framework\frminst.exe” /forceuninstall
C:\Program Files\McAfee\Agent\x86>FrmInst.exe /forceuninstall
For McAfee Agent 4.x or an upgraded McAfee Agent, this file should be located in one of the following two directories:
C:\Program Files\Mcafee\Common Framework\x86\
C:\Program Files (x86)\Mcafee\Common Framework\x86\
C:\Program Files (x86)\Mcafee\Common Framework\x86\
McAfee Agent files and folders
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